An Introduction To Me

Sammi Conger
4 min readDec 11, 2019

Hello to anyone who is taking the time out of their day to read this. First things first, I want to say that I appreciate you doing so. I know reading introductions to a person whom of which you have no idea who they are can be a little boring, but I hope to change your point of view on that.

My name is Sammi Conger, and this is my first ever “blog” post on this blog page on Medium. I have heard of Medium before, and read articles on here, and wanted a place to put my writing, so I came here. Before I dive deep into this whole blog thing, I want to tell a little bit about myself first. So, starting off, I’ll just tell a few little things about myself, and what’s the purpose behind this whole blog idea.

So, once again, my name is Sammi Conger. I was born in 1997, thus making me (recently) 22 years old. I celebrated my Taylor Swift birthday by listening to the song on repeat, because, what else am I supposed to do? But, yes, I am 22 years old, a creative writing major at Missouri State University, and I love to write. But, that’s not the only thing I love to do.

I have a lot of passions, and each and every one of them has to do with creativity in some way, shape, or form. One of the biggest passions in my life has always been music. I’ve been singing since I can remember (yeah, I know, how cliche is that) but it’s true! I believe that music is something that is just so deeply rooted within me, having such a love for it my entire life. I love to create it, I love to write music, and I also love to sing music. I haven’t really found out what exactly do with my music passion just yet, so every now and then I post YouTube covers of me singing. I used to do it more frequently in high school, now just every now and then. If you want to check it out, please be my guest as I shamelessly plug myself right….now: — other than singing, I just adore everything there is about music, and I hope to just continue to learn more.

Another thing I am very much passionate about is creating/editing videos, and photography, as well. I love being able to create a feeling within videos and within that feeling, create memories simultaneously. There’s something so special about creating a video that evokes emotion or a feeling out of your audience…so, if you’d like to check out my videos, here’s another shameless plug:

And as for photography, the only online evidence I have of that is my VSCO page. I know VSCO is really starting to get a reputation as being a place other than just what it was made for, which was solely photography, but still, I post a few of my picture son there, so once again, you know what’s about to happen: — it’s not solely photography photos, some personal, and the occasional Harry Styles picture is thrown in there too, for reasons that don’t need explanation other than the fact that he’s Harry Styles, so why wouldn’t I? But, I love pictures just as much as videos, because when you take a picture, you’re capturing a memory of something that means something to you, or means something to someone else, and you never know what kind of memories you can bring back with a picture. If you couldn’t tell, I love to document, because I think life is too good to not document. Even, no, especially the little things, because the little things always seem to be the best things.

And last, but not least, what I am currently majoring in college: creative writing, or just…writing. And I have no link for you, which brings me to why I created this profile on Medium.

I like to write a lot. I have various journals for various different reasons: one to just write in whenever I feel the need to, one for songs, one that holds all memories of my four years of high school, one that is currently holding my college years that are in the making (and almost coming to an end, which is insane), and so many more. Alongside journaling, I also have always liked to write poetry, fiction, short stories, and screenplays. These pieces don’t go anywhere because I have nowhere to put them, other than my computer. But, now I do.

This is just a place for me to share my words with the world. I anticipate this to be a place where I can write reflectively about my life, about what’s going on in the world, music (especially music, what’s important to me, along with those things, definitely some creative fiction and non-fiction. This gives me something to work on and strive for, and I want to get better, and maybe by putting my work out there in the world, I will grow and learn how to become a better writer. They don’t say practice makes perfect just for the fun of it!

I hope whoever you are, reading this, that you are willing to help with all of that. Hope you enjoy my future pieces.

Thanks for listening,

Sammi Conger

